Farnear Delta-Lambda: Elite Sire and Tremendous Maternal Line Bundled in One Masterful Transmitter

While his daughter numbers have risen exponentially, Farnear Delta-Lambda’s TPI has continued to increase since HI’s sire report in November 2020: One of several good reasons for an extensive portrait! ‘We purchased Delta-Lambda as an “okay” sire. Really good breeders around the world used him as a DNA sire.’ This shared Louis Prange in 2020 on behalf of owner STgenetics about the special relationship between the originally inconspicuous Delta son and his very first users. Among them were Jill Nelson (Olmar Farms), Dan Siemers (Siemers Holsteins) and Ian Crosbie (Benbie Holsteins). Their inspiring experiences are crystal clear: Delta-Lambda is a transmitter of tremendous quality!

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