
December 2020

Cow Families

Cow Country - December 2020

‘She is the embodiment of what we want to breed! She has good fertility, strong production and has an impressive conformation. Indeed, Jabobina is a real “true type” cow!’ These...

July 2018

Cow Families

Cow Country - July 2018

Fradon Rudolph Jodie EX 22*: The global success of this family needs no introduction. Numerous intriguing lines can be found in many different countries worldwide, however today we investigate the...

October 2017

Cow Families

Cow Country 2 - October 2017

She is the first cow in Quebec’s history to complete 3 generations of 94/95 dams and is regarded as the best cow the Master Breeder Vieuxsaule herd has bred… What...