Holstein Switzerland & Swissherdbook The bigger the challenge, the closer the cooperation
Regardless its breeding evaluation periods or genomic selection, linear description, milk testing or milk analysis, herdbook management or the production of shows and other events: the tasks that herdbooks around...
Cows are not climate killers!
Cows are often presented as the source of many climate problems due to their methane emissions. To introduce a scientific perspective to the conversation, Prof. Dr. Frank Mitloehner, the well-known...
Cow Country 1 - March 2023
Jelmer van der Meer, who milks his 90-cow herd in the north of the Netherlands, began investing in embryos for the first time 5 years ago. The result of his...
Les Ponts Holsteins:‘Cows that Get Old Easily and Also Stay Beautiful.’
Enthusiastic and passionate. That is the first impression when arriving for a visit at the Dumas family and their farm Les Ponts Holsteins. Situated near Vaulruz, not far from the...
Cow Country - December 2022
With 30 milking cows, De Winkels Holsteins, owned by Henk Jan van Driel, is not large. Nevertheless, the achievements are noteworthy. During the last classification visit, three two-year-olds scored VG-88...
Global Dairy Youth Challenge: The Finale!
In February, HI will present the winners. Also read in HI’s February edition about which participants in the four preliminary rounds of the Global Challenge submitted the best rationale for...
Intriguing Sires DP - November 2022
‘In Switzerland, we are thrilled to have such a high production and fitness bull with correct conformation.’ Jürg Stoll from Swissgenetics is referring to Ewing who (after Ranger-Red) is the...
Cow Country I - October 2022
Should one take the time to study the gPTAT lists then one would notice that it has been topped by the same animal, SHG Avalanche Liv-RC, for a long period...
Villstar The Other Top Address in Switzerland
If you are interested in showing and have always associated Switzerland with showing, the title may irritate you. If you carry on reading, it will not be one of these...
Unique in HI: Farms with the Highest kg/lb Fat + Protein Productions World-wide Part 1
In the Holstein world, high productions always speak to the imagination. Tremendous records of individual animals, but certainly also high averages at the herd level. But how high are the...
Wyss Herta - Rendezvous with a double world record?
We were on our way through Switzerland and our goal were visits to various outstanding farms that we will present to you in coming issues of HI. One goal in...
Cow Country - August 2022
In 2019, as a teenager, Aloïs Boudry showed the Red Holstein two-year-old EHB Apoll Rosalie for Belgium at the European show in Libramont. Together, that day, they earned a well-deserved...