
September 2023


Global Cow 2023 Here are the Finalists!

This is the 19th edition of the Global Cow competition, which has given recognition to the breed’s most influential brood cows down through the years. It’s that time of the...

August 2023

Sires Report

BullTalk - August 2023

Swissgenetics is marketing a polled sire with unique qualities: Vogue Hero-P. ‘He is extremely popular in Switzerland, because he is very all-round,’ tells Marc-Henri Guillaume from Swissgenetics, who points to...

May 2023

Cow Families

Wabash-Way Emilyann: Now Ranked as Canada’s Nr.7 Brood-Cow All-Time

At 47 stars, Emilyann is now Canada’s 7th ranked brood cow of all-time. Of course, Shottle daughters have become super brood cows all over the world but Emilyann had the...

April 2022


The Premiere: Polled Impact Competition 2022!

It is the first time that HI is conducting a vote for the Polled Impact Cow, but that does not mean that we are too late or too early: Quite...

August 2021

Herd reports

With Alligator and Chief as the Greatest Ambassadors Stantons: One of the World’s Most Eminent Sire Providers

They are being used world-wide: bulls born in the Stantons herd in Ontario. For many years already. ’He is extremely popular, with high demand from all over the world,’ we...

January 2021

Sires Report

Bull Talk - January 2021

He has not yet appeared on HI’s cover as a mature bull… but now it seems like the right moment. Seagull-Bay Silver is no longer alive, but: he is the...

December 2020

Sires Report

Intriguing Sires - December 2020

‘From the outset I want to say – and I admit that I am biased – that we are tremendously enthusiastic about this bull. I told Semex that in the...

November 2020

Sires Report

Conformation Specialist Climbs to the Canadian Top

After an outstanding debut and gains during recent index releases, Stantons Alligator is solidly positioned in Canada’s LPI top-5. In addition, with +17 overall conformation, +15 udder and +13 feet...

October 2020

Sires Report

Bull Talk - October 2020

With 3842 PFT (based on 212 milking daughters) he holds a strong 2nd position on Italy’s ranking of progeny proven sires. However, despite that high total index, All.Nure Rally scores...

October 2020

Sires Report

Intriguing Sires - October 2020

‘Achiever was the first bull from the Icon Sires program at ABS, and thus continued to be extremely popular with many customers world-wide. The fact that he is the Nr.1...

June 2020

Sires Report

BullTalk - June 2020

Now he has a progeny proven index! Indeed, no less than 609 milking daughters were included in one and the same release in the index of Stantons Chief – the...

May 2020

Sires Report

Adagio-P: Canada’s Highest Proven Polled Bull Ever

Polled Holsteins have been a part of the breed for many years, but have usually been considered something of a novelty. While all breeders can agree that not having to...