
April 2022

Cow Families

Stantons Freddie Cameo: During her Lifetime, Already a Top-3 Brood Cow in Canada

“Stantons: One of the World’s Most Eminent Sources of Sires.” So read the title above HI’s extensive report (08/21) about the Stanton family in Ontario. Adorable, Alligator, Chief, High Octane,...

August 2021

Herd reports

With Alligator and Chief as the Greatest Ambassadors Stantons: One of the World’s Most Eminent Sire Providers

They are being used world-wide: bulls born in the Stantons herd in Ontario. For many years already. ’He is extremely popular, with high demand from all over the world,’ we...

December 2020

Cow Families

Elite American Family Celebrates New Success… in France!

Close to Ruffiac, 77 km southwest of Rennes in the French region of Brittany, a cow family is quickly expanding. In the home herd, it already makes up more than...