Intriguing Sires - March 2020
With 33 daughters in Germany (25 classified) and Switzerland, Power stands at the beginning of his progeny proven career. A career that during the German show “Zukunft Rind 2020” received...
Focus on... Persistency
For anybody who wants to produce milk economically, persistency must count among the must important traits when making sire selections. However, there are still many countries where there is no...
Intriguing Sires - January 2020
Whilst the start of the reigning Nr.1 gTPI sire, AltaZazzle’s pedigree story begins over 20 years ago with the legendary brood-cow Windsor-Manor Rud Zip – his modern-day narrative starts just...
Focus on... Climbers
No other evaluation period of the year routinely serves as many changes as the April evaluations. In addition to the base changes, tweaks to the evaluation formulas are another big...
BullTalk - May 2019
What a perfectly chosen name! His DNA index of 2010 (2098 gTPI) is virtually exactly the same as his progeny proven index today: 2060 TPI. And now based on 16,698...
Intriguing Sires - Presley & Emmitt & Mineral
With sons like Hayes-P and Hologram-P or grandsons like Pontiac-P, Paiton-PP and Mystic-PP, Bomaz Uno 5904 (Uno-Lawn Boy-Laudan-Garter) has established herself as a productive wellspring in the polled segment. With...
Intriguing Sires - Barcley & Jingle & Millington
It was the first 24 daughters with production data and 46 daughters with classification data that lifted the Balisto son Barcley to Nr.2 on the German top-list. The December debut...
BullTalk - December 2018
Those who thought that genomics would eliminate them… are mistaken! They still exist, the tenacious super-millionaires. In October, we reported that the 15-year-old Planet passed the milestone of 1.5 million...
Focus on - December 2018
In contrast to beta casein, whose ideal form is A2A2, the kappa casein variant has real economic meaning. Milk from cows with the ideal genotype of BB can give a...
Apoll-P-Red – Not a Perfect Nr.1, but Unbelievably Influential
At the start of this career he was the German Nr.1 among the red young sires. Then came his sons and Schreur Apoll, the Aikman son of the famous Verhages...
Intriguing Sires - Luster-P & Nagano-P & Marsden-P
‘Even though it is still early in his career, Luster has rapidly risen to become one of the most popular polled sires in our program,’ says Rick VerBeek from Select...
BullTalk - October 2018
Two years ago, his debut created quite the stir. Westcoast Styx-Red broke through with strong DNA total indexes in various countries; in his homeland of Canada, he was nr.1. That...