
July 2023

Herd reports

Riverdane: The Farm Four EX-97 Cows Have Called Home!

South Africa, New Zealand, Sweden, the UK, Norway, Denmark, Spain, Belgium, Ireland, Italy, Hungary, the Netherlands… Mark Nutsford’s transatlantic judging appointments speak for themselves. But what do you know about...

July 2023

Herd reports

Selz-Pralle Dairy: The Achievements of World Champion Aftershock 3918 Are Becoming More and More Impressive

Last February, the milky Joliam Salvator Ava 5251-RC EX-93 earned a prominent place in HI’s article about foundation sire Salvatore. Ava 5251 belongs to Selz-Pralle Dairy in Wisconsin; one of...

April 2023

Cow Families

The “Golden Cross” Monterey Daughters of Global Cow Winner Hanker

There have been a number of recognized “Golden Crosses” in the breeding world…in this cow family it was Monterey over Cookiecutter Mogul Hanker and then King Doc over the Monterey’s....

September 2018

Cow Families

Cow Country - September 2018

It is a secret of the trade why the Pledge family, developed at Windy-Knoll-View in the USA and with many successful individuals around the world, is suddenly able to translate...