Misc Breeds
Genetics Australia: Are the World’s Best Jerseys in Australia?
The most prominent breeds at the Australian AI company Genetics Australia are Holstein, Jersey, Australian-Red and Illawarra. ‘In addition, we have an extensive offering of beef breeds, with Angus being...
Synetics: Also Successful Programs for Jersey and Brown Swiss
Holsteins are the largest breed at the German-French AI giant Synetics, but the company is also specialized in various other breeds. Globally known is the Normande breed, about which DBI...
Growth on Various Fronts for US Ayrshires
‘For the American breeding organization US Ayrshires, it has been a good year as we are continually seeing new interest in the breed,’ reports Becky Payne from US Ayrshire. ‘We...
Polled Line-up at Bayern-Genetik Growing Quickly
Hardcore-PP: He is the brand new star for the German AI company Bayern-Genetik (BG), purchased – after a bidding dual with other AIs – at a sire sale in March...
Plenty of Brown Swiss Dynamics at New Generation Genetics
Next year, the American AI company New Generation Genetics (NGG) – specialized in Brown Swiss bulls – will celebrate its 30th anniversary. As such, it is a delight that CEO...
Notable: Mercedes-P
The southern German AI company Besamungssation Greifenberg (BSG) is especially known for its very diverse line-up; from no less than fifteen different cattle breeds do they have bulls in their...
A Rush for Red for the Dutch Belted Breed
Dairy cattle enthusiasts around the globe will be familiar with the Dutch Belted breed, a rare breed with a very attractive appearance - a black cow with a white belt...
Flying Start for New Organization Jersey International
Denmark is one of the prominent Jersey countries in the world and the export of Danish Jerseys has been lively for decades already. On that stage there is now an...
KI Kampen: FH and MRIJ Breeds Very Suitable for Three-Way Crossbreeding
Of course, the Dutch AI company KI Kampen has now become known world-wide due to successful progeny proven sires like Koepon Random and Weinterper Solution. However, in addition to the...
BVN: ‘Sensational Progress for Fleckvieh’
With its 75th anniversary, the German AI company BVN is enjoying a special year. ‘During that time, the Fleckvieh breed has made sensational gains,’ explains Andrea Hefner, responsible for the...
GGI - Spermex: ‘The figures on paper coincide with the field.‘
GGI: ‘This show was very well attended. In additon, we had many guests from abroad. After the show, a group of Latin Americans also went to farms and AI facilities...
Brown Swiss President
Since 2018, Thomas Schweigl has been the president of the European Brown Swiss Federation, before which he was the vice-president. At the same time, Schweigl together with his wife manages...