Hawkeye Breeders

September 2023


NoBull Sires: Offering Credible Bulls from Time-Tested Genetics

The idea of NoBull Sires started four years ago. Tired of not being able to find sires from the time-tested dams they wanted, Ben Masemore, Ethan Wentworth and Rusty Herr...

June 2023


New Generation Genetics: Passionate Stewards of the Brown Swiss Breed

It was the year that Holstein International started, 1994, the same year that a new name in the Brown Swiss world appeared on the scene: New Generation Genetics. That was...

February 2023

Sires Report

BullTalk - Febuary 2023

He has a remarkably high conformation index (146) in the DNA tested top of Germany’s Red Holstein list: Feit-Red-P, a son of Freestyle-Red (<Gywer-RC) out of Solitair daughter HWH Ella...