Cow Families

August 2017

Cow Families

The International Reach of Canada’s Dragonfly Family

We last reported on the Dragonfly family in April 2012. Since then the family has been spreading its wings and is now supplying some exciting young bulls in different parts...

August 2017

Cow Families

Cow Country - August 2017

On the Gandy dairy farm owned by the Gandolfi family in the northern Italian province of Mantova, the percentages of fat and protein, as well as protein quality, are prominent...

August 2017

Cow Families

Longevity Non-stop: Ronbeth Stormatic Doll, 5th Generation with 100,000 kg!

Since the beginning of this century, longevity is playing a more prominent role in Holstein breeding. In the Ronbeth herd of the Warner family in Ontario, high lifetime production has...

August 2017

Cow Families

Weelder Esmonique 38 Continues Esmeralda Tradition

With the May release, Weelder Esmonique 38, a G-Force daughter owned by the Dutch Van de Kamp family provided 2 sons in the Dutch gNVI top-3, including the leader Esperanto....

August 2017

Cow Families

Tricia: The Foundation Cow Behind the “T-bulls”

Tricia is a Rudolph daughter whose descendants have put the Lars-Acres prefix on the map when it comes to successful bulls in AI. They were already a fitness family before...

August 2017

Cow Families

A Question of Character

Clearly, it was a special picture with a special cow that lured us to the farm of Clemens Eilmans in the town of Kevelaer in western Germany. The 56 Holsteins...

July 2017

Cow Families

Cow Country - July 2017

When the two friends and neighbours David McAfee (Glamour) and Morell McCollum (Boghill) started their partnership 5 years ago, the goal was to build one of the best PLI herds...

July 2017

Cow Families

The Gigi’s: Seven Generations of Gold Medal Dams

It’s hard to ignore that kind of consistent transmitting power – 7 generations of Gold Medal Dams. ‘This family makes cows that show up to work everyday – no fuss,...

July 2017

Cow Families

New Zealand: Incredible Family Power

Many national Herd-Book organizations award the “Cow of the Year” title to the most accomplished cow in their country. In New Zealand that award is the Valden Trophy, which is...

July 2017

Cow Families

Pompey: Conquering Two Market Sectors at the Same Time

A powerful cow that ranked among the highest Massey daughters worldwide, Pompey has gone on to make her mark in two different sectors of the market – polled and red....

July 2017

Cow Families

Budjon Desire: Expo Champion with 19 EX daughters

Younger HI-readers may not remember the 2005 Madison Grand Champion, Budjon Redmarker Desire EX-96. However her achievements out of the show-ring will certainly earn her a new wave of fans.

July 2017

Cow Families

The Lidias: Even More Complete Thanks to Tango and Charley

“New Italian Bertaiola Family Accelerates in the Netherlands”: In January 2013, that was the title of HI’s article about 2 full sisters of the Italian Bolton son Bertaiola Mincio that...