Comestar Holsteins

December 2021

Cow Families

HI’s Cow Family Tournament: Here are the highest ranking, numbers 2 & 1!

In the HI issues of September, October, and November, the excitement continued to rise; in the meantime, you have become acquainted with numbers 3 through 10. Now follows the absolute...

January 2020

Herd reports

An Interview with Marc Comtois, the Most Influential Breeder of the Past 25 Years!

The last couple of months have been especially exciting for Marc Comtois, of Comestar Holsteins at Victoriaville, Quebec, Canada. In December he learned that he was voted Nr.1 in HI’s...

December 2019

Herd reports

Here is #1 of the most influential breeders of the past 25 years: Comestar Holsteins

Bronze for Hanover-Hill. Silver for Regancrest. And now, in this December issue of HI, follows the gold medal: for Comestar Holsteins in Quebec, Canada! Is it a coincidence that gold...