
September 2020

Sires Report

BullTalk - September 2020

Note here one of the most popular Red Holstein and polled sires right now: Caudumer Solitair-P-Red. Liane Krauter from owner RUW in Germany can be clear about it: ‘Solitair-P is...

August 2019

Cow Families

Cow Country - August 2019

In the All-New Zealand photo competition, the Ohaka-based Sherraine herd won all 3 milking classes. And testament to this 180-cow herd’s breeding, two of these cows were from Sherraine’s homebred...

July 2019

Sires Report

Focus on.. Eyecatcher

The breeding values for conformation are among the best the breed has to offer, but that is not the reason why we are presenting these four bulls. The quality of...