Intriguing Sires - June 2021
With 2833 TPI, Positive debuted in America’s progeny proven top-10 during the recent April release; an official Canadian progeny proven index is expected in August. ‘Positive has been very popular...
Cow Country - May 2021
‘Producing milk,’ responds Eric Elbers from CRV to the question about the most important qualities of Delta Thilda, the Amigo daughter who is being used extensively within CRV’s breeding program....
Italian Shara: Royal Source of Longevity, Fertility and Production
Ronelee Dabble, Whittier-Farms Roz, Stadacona Abel, Juniper Wish, Vieuxsaule Mary Sol, Windy-Knoll-View Pledge; the Holstein world has several famous bull dams by Comestar Outside. In this article, you will become...
Page-House Shottle Noni: Australian Cow of the Year
The 2020 Australian Cow of the Year is… Page-House Shottle Noni. A fan favourite during her highly successful show career that included DairyWeek Intermediate Champion 2010 and Grand Champion 2012,...
Cow Country - March 2021
‘In our breeding goal we have always focused on conformation, production, and fitness.’ Lachlan Fry, the breeder at Katandra-Park Holsteins & Jerseys (140 milking cows) in Western Australia, has a...
Bevandale in Australia: Farming in the Tropics
One of the keenest breeders from the Atherton Tablelands in far north Queensland is Henry Bevan from Bevandale Holsteins. Dairy farming in the tropics has its own distinct challenges, but...
Cow Country - February 2021
The forced cancellation of the annual Irish National Dairy Show in October led to a competition to determine the Champion of the Decade. Ridgefield Dundee Portea EX-95 claimed the title...
Cow Country - January 2021
Outstanding udders, daughter fertility, production and conformation: those are the principles that Tom and Rick Simon have used to develop their world famous Farnear herd they are the formwork that...
Cow Country - December 2020
‘She is the embodiment of what we want to breed! She has good fertility, strong production and has an impressive conformation. Indeed, Jabobina is a real “true type” cow!’ These...
Unique HI Overview: Here are the Bestselling Holstein Sires at AI Companies World-wide
Who were the most sold Holstein bulls during the past six months? HI posed this question to breeding companies world-wide. The answers resulted in the unique accompanying overview: 77 bestsellers...
Get Acquainted with Herdbooks All Over the World: Holstein Australia
This is the third installment in our series featuring the major Holstein herdbooks around the globe. Did you know that the same foundation animals that started the Holstein breed in...
Intriguing Sires - November 2020
Envy has one of those no-holes proofs with no significant weaknesses across his entire proof breakdown. He is a solid bull with no extremes though his high components (+.23%f +.06%p)...